Okay, who caught the final episode episode of 30 Rock last night? Because IT WAS SO GOOD. Everyone got a happy ending, Jenna sang her Rural Juror song, and Lutz got his Blimpy’s. Everyone was as it should be. And to commemorate the end of the show, Ben & Jerry’s launched a new flavor in honor of the show and Tina Fey …
What the what?!? We’re very excited to announce our newest flavor in honor of NBC’s 30 Rock: Liz Lemon Greek Frozen Yogurt! A Lemon Greek Frozen Yogurt with a Blueberry Lavender Swirl, coming this spring.
Honestly, I think a more apt flavor would involve ham and night cheese, but then again … it’s ham and night cheese ice cream. That sounds just vile. At least Greek yogurt is a nice little shout out to Tina Fey. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go cry over the loss of the show before Parks & Recreation and Community remind me that NBC isn’t completely doomed.