Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww yeeeeeeeeeeah, this is happening people. The Mean Girls reunion is finally happening. So go download a bunch of Regina George gifs off of Tumblr and brush up on your quotes (don’t lie, you know the movie by heart) because this. IS. HAPPENING! TMZ reports …
FYI, 2014 is the 10th anniversary of the film’s release — and sources tell us, co-writer Tina Fey has been leading the charge for a reunion to commemorate the occasion … wrangling the entire cast over the last month. And Lindsay was apparently the last to know about it — she went on Fallon Thursday talking about how she had just run into Tina who mentioned the reunion idea to her … and Lindsay was into it. It’s unclear how the reunion will come together — Jimmy suggested hosting it on his show — but we’re told it could also materialize as a comedy sketch … maybe on an awards show.
Actually, you know what? F*ck it. I’m sick, we have Netflix, and apparently the boyfriend has never seen Mean Girls (bad gay! Bad gay!) so I think it’s time for me to break him in. Because Mean Girls is one of the best movies ever and anyone who disagrees with me will be PUNCHED RIGHT IN THE TEETH. WITH FISTS! FISTS FILLED WITH SICKLY RAGE!