Phillip Seymour Hoffman (who apparently is going without an agent right now) might be taking on a big role in the next Hunger Games movie Catching Fire. Deadline reports:
Phil Seymour Hoffman is going to go without an agent. He’s leaving Paradigm after an 18-year run at the agency, repped by Sarah Fargo. From the breakout role in Boogie Nights, to the Oscar turn in Capote, the recent tour de force performance as Willy Loman in the Mike Nichols-directed Death Of A Salesman (I was surprised he didn’t win the Tony for Best Actor) and his work in last year’s Oscar movies Moneyball and The Ides Of March, Fargo’s done a helluva job finding ways to showcase Hoffman’s considerable talents. I am not hearing that he’s taking meetings, just that he’ll go agentless for now. Hoffman next appears in the Paul Thomas Anderson-directed The Master, and I’ve heard he has been offered a big role, Plutarch Heavensbee, in The Hunger Games sequel Catching Fire.
The Hunger Games really is quickly turning into what is essentially an American version of Harry Potter: A critically and financially successful movie series, based on an equally good book series, backed by some incredible talent. Honestly, I think Hollywood is starting to cue into the fact that people appreciate legitimately good movies more than they appreciate mindless explosions.