In what could easily be the most apt metaphor for Pete Doherty‘s career ever, Pete is selling a painting he made using Amy Winehouse‘s blood for something like $130,000. So far, the highest bidder is the center for disease control. Spinner reports:
According to the Independent, the auction takes place this Friday at the Cob Gallery with private diaries, guitars, military jackets and other items included. Yet it’s a collaborative painting Doherty did with Winehouse that’s getting the most attention. The piece, called “Ladylike,” features a small self-portrait which was created using Winehouse’s blood. The piece is expected to go from between £50,000 to £80,000 ($80,000 to $129,000 US).
“Amy was on the phone to her dad when she did that (painting),” Doherty said. “She said, ‘Dad, I’m with Pete and he’s making me draw with my blood!’ He didn’t like me much, her dad.”
Now, I’m sure some of you are wondering whether or not this is, in any way, in good taste. But it’s moment like these when it’s important to remember that Pete has done all the drugs (probably even more than Courtney Love which says a lot), and his brain is essentially crème brulee. Complete with the delicious layer of burnt sugar on top. Don’t ask me how it got there, it’s just like that.