True story here: Back in January, my boyfriend got that sinus infection that’s been going around, and at one point he got hit so hard by it that he collapsed and I nearly had to take him to the hospital. Thankfully, nothing bad happened, but at no point while he was lying on the floor and I was making sure he didn’t pass out did I ever think “hey, this would be a good photo opportunity. Someone get me a camera and some attention!” So when Paris Hilton‘s boyfriend model River Viiperi cut his leg while skiing, she decided the best thing to do would be to take pictures of herself posing beside him while he lay bleeding in a stretcher and put them on her Pheed account. Seriously.
It takes a very special kind of terrible to see someone get hurt and immediately think, “yes, this is a photo opportunity.” Honestly, I’m not sure what I love more: The fact that she used a shitty Instagram filter, or the fact that she’s actually posing all sexy like while her boyfriend lies bleeding and in pain behind her. Everything about Paris is just eroding and corrosive to the soul.