It’s been almost six years since Arrested Development last aired a new episode on television, but like a phoenix from the ashes, or a zombie clawing its way out of the earth so that may snack upon brains most tasty and satisfying, the cultiest of cult shows has risen again and walks the cable landscapes for your viewing pleasure. Or more specifically, Netflix, because is there anything Netflix can’t do? (American Netflix anyway, Canadian Netflix sucks!) And as seen from the Twitter feeds of the show’s cast (Jason Bateman) and crew (Ron Howard), it’s almost ready to get started!
Mitch let Jason and I in on some of the twists and turns ahead. hilarious
— Ron Howard (@RealRonHoward) July 11, 2012
Taken at AD mission control, today!
All systems are go.
Filming for the new episodes starts in four weeks. Woo!— Jason Bateman (@batemanjason) July 11, 2012