Miley Cyrus is a red hanky kinda gal

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus

For those of you wondering what’s next for Miley Cyrus: Fisting. The answer is fisting. Because here she is (via Twitter) bringing a hand-shaped dildo on a plane with her, and … look, word to the wise here. J-lube and lots of patience, mama. That’s all I’m gonna tell you here. And if anything happens, make sure all parties involved make the hospital trip, because that’s just the responsible thing to do. Other than that, you just do you. (What? I’m a ruthless mocker of the stupid, but I’m no slut-shamer. That’s what the bitter, uptight people over at Fishwrapper are for.)

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.