Meet Twilight’s Chuckesmee … creepiest doll ever!



I’ve been going back on forth whether to post this piece for the better part of a day now. The “for” argument being that it gives me another chance to sh!t on those awful Twilight movies again, and the “against” argument being that the last one came out over a year ago and now the series is no longer relevant. That being said, I just wrote the most depressing post I’ve ever written for this site, so here comes the levity! Apparently, Breaking Dawn was supposed to feature a super creepy doll as Renesmee, which was eventually banished back to whatever circle of hell it came from in favor of a slightly-less creepy CGI baby. Which kind of sucks, because let’s be real: The movies were awful, and including this horrifying creature would have totally brought it into camp territory. But you had to settle for mediocrity, didn’t you? Shame on you!

You remember Renesmee, right? The adorable half-vampire, half-human daughter of Bella and Edward in Twilight? Well, she was almost a doll. A really, really creepy one. Back when the Twi-gang was promoting Breaking Dawn Part 2, the creation was referenced a few times in interviews and dubbed “Chuckesmee” by the cast and crew for its freakish physical similarities to horror movie mainstay Chucky. But Chuckesmee was never seen … until now, that is. SOURCE

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.