Lady Gaga might be in ‘Zoolander 2’

Lady Gaga in 'Zoolander 2'

The original Zoolander (2001) was about a bunch of supermodels who were almost too dumb to feed themselves, so of course when they decided to make a sequel, who do you think they had in mind for a cameo appearance? Yes, Lady Gaga. I swear, it’s like shooting fish in a barrel, or some other tiny facility for them to live in, like some sort of school for ants perhaps. (That was my one and only attempt to reference the movie. I know it was terrible. Don’t judge me.) The Sun reports …

Gaga, 26, has been earmarked to play the role of love interest for the former model rivals. A Hollywood source said: “Gaga is top of their wish-list. She has the talent and attitude — and an amazing sense of humour.” Kate Moss, Kate Upton, Heidi Klum and Adriana Lima are also candidates. Filming is due to start early next year.

Oh who am I kidding; I saw the original Zoolander in theatres (I was a kid, so most of the jokes flew well over my head) and I loved it. So yeah, I’d probably go see Zoolander 2 in theatres. Or at the very least, wait until it comes out on Netflix and watch it until I wear grooves into the digital stream.

Lady Gaga in 'Zoolander 2'

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.