Before we dig into the meat of this story — Haha! Meat! Because BUTTS! — let’s update you on the completely contrived feud between Lady Gaga and Kelly Osbourne that Gaga started for attention. Kelly admitted that she’s a Gaga fan, and Gaga in turn is still sitting on her moral high-horse like she has one. From E! Online …
“All I have to say on this subject is that I love Lady Gaga!” Kelly Osbourne explained. “I made stupid mistakes when I was 25, as well, when I accused people of doing things that were wrong. We all live and we learn, and like I said, I’m a big fan of hers.” As for Sharon’s comments about the star? “I have no control over my mother,” Kelly said. “She can do whatever she wants.” Gaga explained in a Facebook post Saturday that her letter to Kelly “was open, because her statements on cyber-bulling were public & as a youth activist I’m compelled to be involved.” “The ‘real world’ can be cruel, why not try to change it into a better place?” she mused.
Yes, we should change it to a better place. Which is why we should be encouraging kids to look up to people who actually make a difference instead of the pandering pop star in the meat dress. Anyway, now that we have safely assured that Gaga is still pretentious and irritating, let’s talk about how Gaga’s pants ripped and everyone saw her ass.
The 26-year-old pop star suffered a wardrobe malfunction onstage in Vancouver, Canada, when her tight latex ensemble split down the middle, revealing her bare butt to the audience.
For those of you whining that we’re making fun of Gaga because we’re jealous or haters or whatever, no, that’s not the reason. We’re making fun of Gaga right now because her pants ripped and that’s hilarious. Believe me, it happens. My pants ripped during a class once, everyone laughed about it, and the world amazingly didn’t end because we didn’t sit down and talk about our feelings. And we don’t make fun of people because we hate them, it’s because they either did something funny or they’re acting like assholes. That’s how it works. So if you don’t want people joking about you, just keep a good sense of humor about yourself and don’t act like a tool.