Because your kids are never too young to be forced to do something well outside of their intellectual and experiential comfort zone, Kendall and Kylie Jenner (who are fourteen and sixteen) are writing their first young-adult book. Well, maybe I shouldn’t say ‘write’. Or ‘book’. Honestly, I want to make fun of the celebrity ghost-writing machine here, but these kids are still in their teens and I can’t in good conscience make fun of teenage girls. Unless they’re Beliebers. So let’s cut to the blockquote from E! Online:
Kendall says they’re aiming to have their as-yet untitled book ready to go by next summer. “I think we will definitely get it done with how fast [the process] is going,” Kylie added. And now, they’re collaborating with cowriter Maya Sloane on a science-fiction story “set 200 years in the future”—the first in a possible series, which is why they aren’t putting all of their ideas in one book—for publisher Karen Hunter at Simon & Schuster. Yes, the model siblings may be more known for their fashion sense and posing prowess—but don’t count them out in the literature department. “We want to do something so different, something that we really love,” Kendall told us. Both she and Kylie are huge fans of the Harry Potter and Hunger Games series (they dig Katniss Everdeen’s girl power message, of course)—and it turns out English is their favorite subject.
Look, it’s great if kids want to grow up to be authors and writers, but no, teenage girls cannot, and should not, write books. They don’t have the life experience or skills necessary to write a full-length book that people will buy with money and read. So I’m just going to put all this blame on momager Kris Jenner where it belongs. Because it takes a very special kind of evil to pimp out your teenage daughters for the sake of a quick buck, and an even specialer kind to see absolutely nothing wrong with it.