Justin Bieber got booed–as he stripped down!

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

Normally, I’m of the mind that if you’re an adult and you’re absolutely sick of someone’s stupidity, you owe it to yourself and others to at least put it into words rather than just feign righteous self-indignation and clock out with “I CAN’T.” Except you know what millenials? I think I’m going to jump on board with you here. According to Us Weekly magazine, Justin Bieber was booed during Fashion Rocks last night, and his immediate response was to default to braggart cockiness and strip down to his underwear, and just … I CAN’T! Huh, that actually is kinda cathartic. No wonder it’s so popular …

The “Baby” singer took to the stage at Brooklyn’s Barclays Center alongside model Lara Stone, fully dressed in jeans, a dark t-shirt and a blue jacket, to introduce Rita Ora’s performance.

But sadly for Bieber, despite his dapper appearance, his presence at the venue wasn’t overly popular. “The crowd majorly booed him,” one audience member told Us Weekly.

The controversial singer started to disrobe, removing his coat and jeans as he asked model Stone, “I don’t feel comfortable unless I’m in my Calvins. So, what’s up? Is that cool?.”

“Just stripped on national television hahahaha it wasn’t planned lmao,” the 20-year-old performer captioned a snap of his striptease on Instagram later that night.

A few things that ran through my mind here:

  1. Justin Bieber has no ass. Jesus kid, I mean really? You spend that much time working out, talking about working out, and showing off how worked out you are, and you have an ass like a dried paint bubble on dry wall. Do some squats, you sicken me.
  2. Just in general, Justin Bieber probably shouldn’t be this happy with himself. He hasn’t exactly done a whole lot musically compared to the never ending list of dumb sh!t he keeps adding on to. And unless you look like Dwayne Johnson or Adam Killian, you really shouldn’t be this cocky about your work at the gym.
  3. All right, I got one good, clean I CAN’T out of the way, so let me at least balance this out by talking out what annoys me about this: You were at a charity fundraiser, you asshole. I really don’t give a sh!t whether they booed you or not, it’s not all about you. Making it all about you by stripping may, in fact, only reinforce the many, many reasons why people boo you in the first place.

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.