Oh that Jon Hamm!

Check out Mad Men hottie Jon Hamm on the latest cover of Details magazine – he’s so freakin’ sexy – I could definitely get used to climbing all over him! I totally need to see his upcoming flick The Town which opens a week from today! Popbytes over and out … xoxo!

Mad Men‘s Jon Hamm appears on the October cover of Details magazine where he discusses that in high school he played sports as much as he acted, but something kept pulling him back to performing. He says, “I never minded standing up and looking like an idiot, which is tremendously helpful in this industry.” After years of struggling to make it in Hollywood, the feels lucky that his “overnight success” took as long as it did saying, “Absolutely, I don’t know how the Twilight kids or Miley Cyrus handle it. You make one bad decision and people in Thailand Twitter about it.” Speaking of Twitter, Hamm’s new movie The Town might not appeal to those who spend their days updating their status. “It’s almost like an old Hollywood movie. It’s got a love story, it’s got a crime element, but it’s very much for adults,” says Hamm. “There’s not a lot of candy for the Twitter-obsessed. It just deals with adult shit – no werewolves, no vampires. Yet … they’re retooling it for 3D.”

More highlights from the article:

Hamm arrived in Hollywood just in time for the reign of the CW and the WB. “If you didn’t look 18 years old, you weren’t working. And I didn’t look 18 years old when I was 18. I always looked 10 years older than I was.”

“L.A. represents opportunity. And, as has been proven over and over in the current media landscape, it doesn’t take much for them to put you on TV. If that’s all you want you can just be on The Bachelor or The Real Housewives or whatever show just wants over-sized personalities, ridiculous behavior and zero dignity.”

“When you try to learn how to act, you approach it with respect. But if you just want to be famous … that’s not much different than porn. ‘I’m a movie star!’ Well, no, no you’re not. You’re a porn star, and that’s completely different.”

“One of the greatest pleasures of the job,” says Mad Men creator Matt Weiner, “has been to see Jon create the character of Don Draper. He’s smart, deep, and a natural leader. I can’t imagine making the show without him.”

Sarah Silverman, who met Hamm in 2000 through a group of friends, said, “When I turned in to Mad Men, I couldn’t believe he was this smoldering, brooding, sexual man. I was like ‘Oh my God–that’s Hamm!’ To me, he’s just this super-silly idiot. He’s one of those very few actors who are comedian-compatible.” Hamm played a cable guy on Silverman’s Comedy Central Show in 2007.

About MICHAEL KNUDSEN 5718 Articles
MK (Michael Knudsen) first started PopBytes back in September of 2003—while trying to make a website for his design portfolio, the site quickly turned into one of the premiere online destinations for all things pop culture! A native New Yorker, he currently resides in Los Angeles with his partner Ivan along with four dogs, four cats and two parrots. Follow him on Twitter @PopBytes.