Britney Spears: Going after the porn star who slept w/ her BF?

Britney Spears

Britney Spears

Remember a week or so ago, when Britney Spears dumped her boyfriend David Lucado because he cheated on her? And then it turned out there was a sex tape of said cheating? And Britney’s dad bought the rights to the sex tape because that’s a thing dads do apparently? Yeah, well it turns out the woman Brit’s ex cheated on her with was a porn star. I know, after all of that it kind of seemed like a lateral move to me too. Anyway, according to TMZ, Britney’s legal team is already jumping all over her, threatening to pursue things if she talks …

It’s pretty shocking … Britney’s legal team sent a nasty letter to Cali Lee … warning her that Brit’s former BF David Lucado signed a confidentiality agreement with Britney, and anything he told Cali during their affair must be kept secret. Here’s the thing … it’s BS. Cali is NOT bound by some confidentiality agreement David signed. Period. And Cali’s lawyer has told his client she can say what she wants. In the letter, obtained by TMZ, the lawyer writes, “Rest assured that our client has the resources and the resolve to pursue this matter no matter what the financial cost or outlay in time.”

Look, I fully understand that she’s pissed, and I think she absolutely should be. Her boyfriend cheated! And filmed it! For documentation purposes! But using your immense wealth to destroy the person he cheated with, when I’m assuming she had absolutely no idea who the schmuck was, just seems like petty overkill to me. I mean let’s face it, you’re Britney Spears. You have better things to be doing then doling out cold dishes of revenge fresh from the oven of seething resentment. (Are ovens cold? … No, right? This analogy would work better with a fridge or something, but “fresh out of the fridge” doesn’t have the same ring to it. Whoever decided revenge was best served cold can bite my ass.)

About JEREMY FEIST 5002 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.