Happy Bloomsday!


James Joyce (February 2nd, 1882 – January 13th, 1941) aficionados everywhere are celebrating the Irish writer’s most prolific work, Ulysses, which takes place on one day, June 16 1904. Joyce created the day within his masterpiece to celebrate the core character, Leopold Bloom. To explain, Ulysses likens everyday people, in this case Bloom, to a godly stature, Bloom becomes Ulysses on his epic journey, as Bloom traverses Dublin. In celebration, across the globe, hundreds of readings occurred, some even challenging set standards and going the extra mile, reading aloud all 265,000 words from the epic, quite the challenge. While there are fewer and fewer novels of such grandiose structure and proportion these days that deserves such commemoration, take a minute to read a page, maybe even a chapter, and celebrate Bloomsday.
