Did Justin Bieber get two women pregnant?

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

For most people, if they were to get someone pregnant, they would immediately set about to make sure the life they helped create would be able to live a rich and fulfilling life by doing the responsible thing and supporting them, both financially and emotionally, during their formative years. I said most people. But apparently, RadarOnline is reporting that Justin Bieber got two girls pregnant and basically had them throw money at the problem until it went away, and we can safely lump Justin into the category of ‘not like most people’ …

A new report claims the troubled pop star has gotten at least two women pregnant — aside from reports of impregnating on-again girlfriend Selena Gomez three years ago and losing it to a miscarriage — in the last four years, both of which were strategically covered up by his team. “It’s horrible,” a source told In Touch of the pregnancies and Team Bieber‘s effort to cover them up to protect his $150 million net worth image. Another insider told the magazine the two pregnancies were “dealt with” after their legitimacy was investigated and then the women are “taken care of financially” but cut off from Bieber, 20, forever. “They don’t ask him when there’s a problem,” a source told In Touch. “They take care of it.”

So basically, they’re totally cool just having their little money printer run around knocking up random girls because they can just pay them to go away. On one hand, part of me doesn’t believe it because even for Justin, that’s pretty heartless and entitled. Also, I’m not entirely sure Justin understands where babies come from. On the other hand, Justin is constantly surrounded by a swarm of yes-men who have absolutely no problem warping the moral compass of an incredibly rich and influential young man if it means they get a cut, so yeah. It sounds plausible, I’m just trying not to believe it because it’s terrible.

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.