Proving once and for all that at least some, tiny fraction of the universe is good and just, the wonderfully talented Amy Poehler signed a book deal with It Books to publish a collection of anecdotes, short stories and advice, and I don’t even care when it’s out Amy, just take my credit card now and I’ll wait here for your book to come out. I don’t care how much it costs, just bill me and I’ll be happy to read your book. Via Hollywood Reporter …
The Parks and Recreation star’s untitled book is described by publisher It Books as “an illustrated, nonlinear diary full of humor and honesty and brimming with true stories, fictional anecdotes and life lessons.” The Harper Collins imprint will publish the book in 2014. In a statement, It Books editor Carrie Thornton said she was “blown away by [Poehler’s] creativity and her passion.”
Honestly, I’m just thankful they gave a book deal to someone for being talented, funny, and capable of writing, as opposed to someone who exploited her kids for personal gain or a bunch of hopeless women who all married the same doughy mormon. Seriously, did you know the chubby kid from Modern Family has his own book? The chubby kid from Modern Family. I think that’s his legal name.